Commercial Mini Course: Bonus Module


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“Practice is the best of all instructors.”
Publilius Syrus

For some of you, this may very well be the module that puts it all together! That’s right, once you learn to be a Calculator Ninja, you’ll open up an entire world with more profits, less headaches, and where the Calculator is Your Friend! LOL! Seriously, I once had a real estate instructor tell me that without a Financial Calculator, a real estate investor wasn’t really dressed!

It really is THAT important that you learn this, and to make matters easier, we are using the very popular (and inexpensive) HP 10bii Calculator, about $29 retail, or about $10 as a phone app. I highly suggest that you pick one up!

Bonus Module Training Video

(Click Expand Button in Player Controls to Expand to Full Screen)

To listen to audio only, press play

Other Commercial Mini Course Bonus Module Resources:

Power Point Slides from Bonus Module Webinar

Calculator Manual – The Money Machine
Want to Become a Calculator Expert in No Time? Download the Financial Calculator Manual Here